A few weeks back, Philip was invited to speak at his home church to update them about his ministry here in Indianapolis and really to give his testimony. He stood up in front of the church and said, “Well I am here today to tell you I have a really boring testimony – and I blame you for that.”
A new desk for the Baby Bungalow and new Ikea hack. This project only cost $40 to complete. Inspiration, step-by-step directions and more pictures included.
Last Christmas, Philip and I had to unexpectedly move over Christmas break so we weren't able to put up any Christmas decorations. This year was our first Christmas in our very own house, and I could not wait to decorate. We went out the week before Thanksgiving to cut down a live Christmas tree. The experience was less than magical as it was pouring down rain, but we still found the perfect tree. Now that Christmas is over, I am a little reluctant to pack everything up and take the tree out to the curb. I am hanging on for just a little bit longer...